

Brand new, proper personal website

It’s being created from scratch! I’m not using Quartz for it anymore (only for the standalone repositories if there’s a need for it).

Therefore, it takes time! A hell lot of time! But it WILL worth it! You’ll see.

But for now…

Where to find me?

You can follow my announcements there:

Maybe you’ll notice that SOMETHING’S COOKIN’!!!! And actually I’m reeeeeally excited!


Also you can contact me on Discord! liledix4 or liledix4#2858 – ALL friend requests are accepted! Besides, I never block anyone! (more like others can block me, and what for is beyond me)

Alternatively, you can try this link but it’s not guaranteed to work – because Discord devs are so weird that they can’t make proper invite/direct links for a profile (not a server).

P.S. To one of IRL guys who could notice this message (high chance): don’t spoil the moment. I know you’ll do that. You’re just a grumpy potato. Grumpotato. I’ll keep doing my thing, whether you like it or not. Stop following me if it triggers you so much. Only you yourself can stop this unhealthy “need to receive mental pain”. YOU make this choice. Now stop it. Thanks.

If that particular person never reads this message, then great. Peace has finally been achieved for both of us.